Curate personalized web pages and content journeys based on individual accounts’ needs, interests, and behaviors. Create an immersive experience for prospects and guide them through the sales funnel with Ignitium and Folloze.

Blend Folloze with Ignitium’s ABX Orchestration platform, to deliver personalized and interactive content experiences to your audience.

Count on the Ignitium team of experts to collaborate closely with you, bringing forth data, technology, talent, and streamlined processes. Our commitment is to help you launch, execute, optimize, and expedite your ABX program, ensuring that you extract the utmost value from your Folloze investment.

Seamlessly Identify and TargetYour Ideal Accounts

Seamlessly Identify and Target
Your Ideal Accounts

Craft Campaigns and Messaging Tailored for Maximum Impact

Craft Campaigns and Messaging
Tailored for Maximum Impact

Measure Your ROI in Real-Time

Measure Your ROI
in Real-Time

Achieve Higher Conversions and Revenue Growth

Achieve Higher Conversions
and Revenue Growth

Successfully Launch and Execute Your ABX Program

Successfully Launch and Execute
Your ABX Program

Optimize and Fast-trackYour ABX Journey

Optimize and Fast-track
Your ABX Journey

Don’t delay any longer in advancing your B2B marketing endeavors.

“Ignitium brings a unique practice of marrying strong marketing excellence and tight revenue operations in a way that allows businesses to run fast cycles of improvement to optimize pipeline outcomes.”


Etai Beck

CEO and Co-Founder at Folloze

Account-Based Experience Orchestration

Ignitium, in strategic partnership with Folloze, enables your company to seamlessly embrace orchestrated account engagement at scale across multiple channels and throughout every stage of the buyer's journey.

Trusted By Leading Enterprises

Verizon  Logo
Lucid Logo
Verizon  Logo logo
Gong Logo
Airtable Logo
Gong Logo
Twilio Logo

Ready to get started?

Accelerate your results by partnering with a solution provider that’s
100% focused on leveraging ABX tech & best practices to drive pipeline.